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The email Microsoft sent around stated: “We are closing Microsoft Store locations to help protect the health and safety of our customers and employees. During this unprecedented time, the best way we can serve you is to do everything we can to help minimize the risk of the virus spreading.” Microsoft is following suit with other companies like Apple (opens in new tab), which recently shuttered all retail stores outside of greater China until March 27. Meanwhile, Microsoft hasn’t revealed when its doors would reopen, but it’s safe to assume that the company will wait until the risk has died down significantly. Furthermore, Microsoft took to Twitter to post an industry statement alongside Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube about COVID-19. According to the statement, these companies are working closely together to keep people connected and stay up-to-date on the most relevant news. We’re glad more and more companies are taking the necessary precautions against the novel coronavirus. Not that you should be going to a Microsoft Store (or outside in general) right now in the first place.  Stay tuned for more relevant updates, stay safe and practice social distancing.